Wednesday, May 6, 2009

BREAKTHROUGH: Caltrain to Home

I for some reason always felt it was necessary to turn off Townsend, when really, it not only has a bike lane after a big long stretch of practically having a bike lane (roomy parking, and not parallel -- so no real door zone, just a...pulling out into your face zone ;D) BUT it also segues perfectly into Division, which as we have learned before, is a very handy street.

Eventually I will quit pussing out and actually make that left turn onto Harrison. Or maybe not. Either way, I do like to bike home down Harrison.

I wish other cyclists made at least a token attempt at obeying traffic signs. I don't always make SUPER COMPLETE STOPS (and yes, at 4 am when there are no cars, I am guilty of skipping the red light waits -- although this morning I managed to make it all the way down Valencia without reallllly hitting one o_O felt very fancy) but during what could conceivably still be considered rush hour traffic, it seems like there are definitely lights and stop signs for a reason.

One lady walking the other day said to me as I had one foot on the ground during a red light, "You have a bike, you don't have to wait."


Anyways, no more hassle on the way home. Townsend to Division to Harrison it is. Hot dog :D

In other related news, Saturday I am meeting up with one of the CS leads at work, Noel, to have an afternoon Los Gatos bike trip. He is also interested in forging a path to Caltrain/light rail, so we will forge it together. He is also lending me an apartment for two weeks, so I'll learn that route as well. Yee hoo.

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